Search notes:

tf.exe add

TF.exe add adds new files and folders from a local file system location to Team Foundation version control.

Finding files that are not yet added

The following simple PowerShell script (my answer on StackOverflow) finds files that are not yet added to Team Foundation:
[hashtable] $lps = [hashtable]::new()

tf info . -recursive | findstr /r /c:"^  Local path :" | foreach-object {
    $lp = $_ -replace '^  Local path : ', ''
    if ($lp) {
        $lps[$lp.toLower()] = $null

get-childItem -recurse | foreach-object {
    if (-not $lps.ContainsKey($_.fullName.toLower())) {
       (resolve-path -relative $_.fullName).toString()
