Search notes:

WinAPI: resize a console

The following example tries to rudimentarily show how a console can be resized and then be changed to the original size.

Required steps

First, we need to store the HANDLE of the current console buffer so that we're able to go back to our console when we're done.
Then, our new console buffer needs to be created with CreateConsoleScreenBuffer().
The new console buffer is then activated with SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer.
Since we want to resize the console, we need to specify the size of the window and the size of the buffer (that stores the data that is displayed). The order is relevant:
Now, the console is resized. We can now write text into the buffer with SetConsoleCursorPosition and WriteConsole.
When we want to go back to our original buffer, we need to call SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx and SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer, again in this order.



#include <windows.h>

#define NEW_WIDTH    100
#define NEW_HEIGHT    50

void error(const char *txt) {

     char msg[200];

//   StringCbPrintf should be used… however, I was unable
//   to link it without CRT.
//   StringCbPrintf(msg, 200, "%s: %d", txt, GetLastError());
     wsprintfA(msg, "%s: %d", txt, GetLastError());

     MessageBox(NULL, msg, "Error", 0);

int __stdcall go(void) {

    HANDLE                       orig_con_h;
    HANDLE                       repl_con_h;


    COORD                        repl_con_buf_size;
    SMALL_RECT                   repl_con_screen;

    COORD                        cursor_pos;

    orig_con_h = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

    orig_con_info.cbSize = sizeof(orig_con_info);

    if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(orig_con_h, &orig_con_info)) {
        MessageBox(NULL, "GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx", "Error", 0);
        return 1;

 // Check if we're able to create a console that fits
 // our desired size:
    if (NEW_WIDTH  > orig_con_info.dwMaximumWindowSize.X ||
        NEW_HEIGHT > orig_con_info.dwMaximumWindowSize.Y) {

        MessageBox(NULL, "Requested width or height too large", "Error", 0);
        goto back_to_orig_console;

    repl_con_h = CreateConsoleScreenBuffer (GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER, NULL);

    if (repl_con_h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        goto back_to_orig_console;

 // Switch to the »new« console


 // Change the new console's size

    repl_con_screen.Left   = 0;
    repl_con_screen.Top    = 0;
    repl_con_screen.Right  = NEW_WIDTH  -1;
    repl_con_screen.Bottom = NEW_HEIGHT -1;

    if (!SetConsoleWindowInfo(repl_con_h, TRUE, &repl_con_screen)) {
        goto back_to_orig_console;

 // Change the new console's buffer size.

    repl_con_buf_size.X = NEW_WIDTH ;
    repl_con_buf_size.Y = NEW_HEIGHT;

    if (!SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(repl_con_h, repl_con_buf_size)) {
         goto back_to_orig_console;

 // Show rudimentary coordinate system

    for (cursor_pos.X = 10; cursor_pos.X < NEW_WIDTH ; cursor_pos.X += 10) {
    for (cursor_pos.Y =  0; cursor_pos.Y < NEW_HEIGHT; cursor_pos.Y ++   ) {

       if (!SetConsoleCursorPosition(repl_con_h, cursor_pos)) {
          goto back_to_orig_console;

       WriteConsole(repl_con_h, &"0123456789"[cursor_pos.Y %10], 1, NULL, NULL);


    for (cursor_pos.Y = 10; cursor_pos.Y < NEW_HEIGHT; cursor_pos.Y += 10) {
    for (cursor_pos.X =  0; cursor_pos.X < NEW_WIDTH ; cursor_pos.X ++   ) {

       if (!SetConsoleCursorPosition(repl_con_h, cursor_pos)) {
          goto back_to_orig_console;

       WriteConsole(repl_con_h, &"0123456789"[cursor_pos.X %10], 1, NULL, NULL);


 // Wait until the user chooses to quit the app.
    MessageBoxA(0, "Finish app", "resize", MB_OK);

 // Go back to original console

    SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(orig_con_h, &orig_con_info);

    return 0;
Github repository WinAPI, path: /Console/resize/prog.c



prog.exe: prog.obj
	link prog.obj /entry:go /nodefaultlib /nologo /subsystem:console /out:prog.exe Kernel32.lib user32.lib
prog.obj: prog.c Makefile
	cl /c /EHa-  /GR- /GS- /Gs- /Gm- /nologo /Oi /Os /W4 prog.c
Github repository WinAPI, path: /Console/resize/Makefile
