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u un-assembles machine code.
By default, u disassembles 8 instructions.

Specify a range

u can be invoked with a range.
The following command disassembles the first 106 (=0x6a) bytes of an exe's entry point (which is referred to by the pseudo register $exentry):
u $exentry $exentry+6a

Specify the number of instructions

Instead of a range, the (hexadecimal) number of instructions can be specified with the u command. The following command disassembles 32 (=0x20) instructions:
u $exentry L20

uf: disassemble an entire function

uf un-assembles an entire function, here the entry point function:
uf $exentry


ub disassembles backwards.
The following command disassembles the 10 instruction that preced the instruction that the instruction pointer points at:
ub $ip L10

See also

u should not be confused with ~u which unfreezes a thread.
