Search notes:

Some Windows CRT sources

crtdefs.h: definitions and declarations that are common to all CRTs.
crt0.c (and its wide character version wcrt0.c): initializes the C Run-Time library and then calls either main(), wmain(), WinMain() or wWinMain().
crt0dat.c implements c run-time initialization and termination functions.
crt0init.c contains the initialization segment declarations (.CRT$XIA etc.)
dllmain.c provides a default («dummy») DllMain.
excpt.h defines exception values, types and routines, contains definitions for exception handling.
stdargv.c processes the command line and creates the argv[] array for the main() function.
tchar.h contains definitions for generic international text functions.
wincrt0.c and wwincrt0.c
Assembler (x86,x64) related source code is located under the ./intel subdirectory.
