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Powershell module: MS-Access

Execute SQL statements (queries) in MS-Access from a PowerShell-command-line.


invoke-msAccessQuery Execute an SQL statement which can be passed literally or as the filename that contains the statement.


When executing a (so called) action query with invoke-msAccessQuery, the message You are about to run an append query that will modify data in your table will pop up.
There should probably be a function that is specifically designed to execute DML statements.

Source Code


set-strictMode -version latest

function init {

   $src = get-content -raw "$psScriptRoot/SQL.cs"
   add-type -typeDef $src

function get-msAccess {

   try {
   # See module COM ( )
     $acc = get-activeObject access.application
   catch {
     write-host $_

   if ($acc -eq $null) {
      write-host '$acc is null!'

   return $acc

function show-msAccess {
   appActivate msaccess

function invoke-msAccessQuery {

   param (
     [parameter(mandatory=$true )][string   ] $sqlStmt_or_fileName,
     [parameter(mandatory=$false)][hashtable] $columnWidths

   if (test-path -pathType leaf $sqlStmt_or_fileName) {
      $sqlStatement = get-content $sqlStmt_or_fileName -raw
   else {
      $sqlStatement = $sqlStmt_or_fileName

   $acc = get-msAccess
   if ($acc -eq $null) {
      write-host "acc is null"

   $sqlStatement = [tq84.SQL]::removeComments($sqlStatement)

   $queryName = 'tq84Query'

   $qry = $null
   try {
      $qry = get-COMPropertyValue $acc.currentDB().queryDefs  $queryName
   catch [System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException] {

     'invoke-msAccessQuery, exception getting query def'

         $_           | select *
         $_.exception | select *
         throw $_
   if ($qry -ne $null) {

      $acQuery  = 1
      $acSaveNo = 2
    # A queryDef can only be deleted if it is closed.
      $acc.doCmd.close($acQuery, $queryName, $acSaveNo)

   $qry = $acc.currentDB().createQueryDef($queryName, $sqlStatement)

   if ($columnWidths) {
      foreach ($fld in $qry.fields) {

         if ( ($colWidth = $columnWidths[$]) -ne $null) {
            write-host "  colWidth for $($ = $colWidth"

            try {
              $dao_dataTypeEnum_dbInteger = 3 # DAO.DataTypeEnum.dbInteger
              $prop = $fld.createProperty('ColumnWidth', $dao_dataTypeEnum_dbInteger, $colWidth)
            catch [System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException] {
              'Exception setting column width'
               $_.exception | select-object *
            catch {
              'Exception setting column width'




new-alias acc-query         invoke-msAccessQuery
Github repository ps-modules-MS-Access, path: /MS-Access.psm1


   RootModule        = 'MS-Access.psm1'
   ModuleVersion     = '0.1'
   RequiredModules   = @(
   FunctionsToExport = @(
     'get-msAccess'                ,
     'show-msAccess'               ,
   AliasesToExport   = @(
     'acc-query'                   ,
Github repository ps-modules-MS-Access, path: /MS-Access.psd1


//    Remove comments in SQL text with regular expressions.
//    Based upon Rick Drizin's excellent work (
//    which is apparently based upon an answer in Stackoverflow (
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace tq84 {

   public class SQL {

      private static Regex noEOLchar = new Regex("[^\r\n]");

      public static string removeComments(
         string input,
         bool   removeLiterals    = false,
         bool   preservePositions = false

        var lineComment      = @"--(.*?)\r?\n";
        var lineCommentNoEOL = @"--(.*?)$"    ; // A line comment that has no end of line.

     // Literals, bracketed identifiers and quotedIdentifiers ("object") all have the same structure:
     //     - Start character,
     //     - a number of characters (including consecutive pairs of closing
     //       characters which are counted as part of the «thing), and
     //     - the closing character
        var literals             = @"('(('')|[^'])*')";          // 'John', 'O''malley''s', etc
        var bracketedIdentifiers = @"\[((\]\])|[^\]])* \]";      // [object], [ % object]] ], etc
        var quotedIdentifiers    = @"(\""((\""\"")|[^""])*\"")"; // "object", "object[]", etc - when QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is set to ON, they are identifiers, else they are literals

     // The original code was for C#, but Microsoft SQL allows a nested block comments
     // so we should use balancing groups
     //   ->
     // var blockComments = @"/\*(.*?)\*/";
        var nestedBlockComments = @"/\*
                                    /\*  (?<LEVEL>)     # On opening push level
                                    \*/ (?<-LEVEL>)     # On closing pop level
                                    (?! /\* | \*/ ) .   # Match any char unless the opening and closing strings
                                    )+                         # /* or */ in the lookahead string
                                    (?(LEVEL)(?!))             # If level exists then fail

        string noComments = Regex.Replace(input,

            nestedBlockComments    + "|" +
            lineComment            + "|" +
            lineCommentNoEOL       + "|" +
            literals               + "|" +
            bracketedIdentifiers   + "|" +

            txt => {

                if (txt.Value.StartsWith("/*")) {

                    if (preservePositions)
                    //  preserve positions and keep line-breaks
                        return noEOLchar.Replace(txt.Value, " ");

                     return "";


                if (txt.Value.StartsWith("--")) {

                    if (preservePositions)
                        return noEOLchar.Replace(txt.Value, " "); // preserve positions and keep line-breaks

                    return noEOLchar.Replace(txt.Value, ""); // preserve only line-breaks // Environment.NewLine;


                if (txt.Value.StartsWith("[") || txt.Value.StartsWith("\""))
                //  Don't ever remove object identifiers
                    return txt.Value;

                if (!removeLiterals)
                //  Keep literal strings
                    return txt.Value;

                if (preservePositions) {
                 // remove literals, but preserve positions and line-breaks
                    var literalWithLineBreaks = noEOLchar.Replace(txt.Value, " ");
                    return "'" + literalWithLineBreaks.Substring(1, literalWithLineBreaks.Length - 2) + "'";

                return "''";
            RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace

        return noComments;
Github repository ps-modules-MS-Access, path: /SQL.cs

See also

This module depends on functionality of the COM PowerShell module.
René's simple PowerShell modules
