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PowerShell: Calling ExtractIconEx() from Shell32.dll

Shell32_Extract is a «P/Invoke» class that wraps ExtractIconEx() functions from shell32.dll.
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using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class Shell32_Extract {

      EntryPoint        = "ExtractIconExW",
      CharSet           =  CharSet.Unicode,
      ExactSpelling     =  true,
      CallingConvention =  CallingConvention.StdCall)

   public static extern int ExtractIconEx(
      string lpszFile          , // Name of the .exe or .dll that contains the icon
      int    iconIndex         , // zero based index of first icon to extract. If iconIndex == 0 and and phiconSmall == null and phiconSmall = null, the number of icons is returnd
      out    IntPtr phiconLarge,
      out    IntPtr phiconSmall,
      int    nIcons

Github repository about-PowerShell, path: /examples/WinAPI/Shell32/Extract/Shell32_Extract.ps1
An example on how this class might be used is extract icons from a DLL with the WinAPI function ExtractIconEx().

See also

Calling ExtractStringFromDLL() with PowerShell
