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PowerShell cmdLet Set-PSReadLineOption

Set a value of an option

PS C:\> set-psReadLineOption -editMode vi

Boolean like options

showToolTips is a boolean like option. This option can be set like so:
PS C:\> set-psReadLineOption -showToolTips
In order to turn it off, the $false needs to be appended after a colon which is appended to the parameter name:
PS C:\> set-psReadLineOption -showToolTips:$false


It is possible to define colors for different token types in PowerShell with the -colors option which requires a hash table.
The color itself can be stated with ANSI escape sequences or the System.ConsoleColor enumeration or an ANSI escape sequence.
set-psReadLineOption -colors @{
   operator = 
      "$([char]27)[38;2;255;127;0m"    +  # forground color: orange
      "$([char]27)[48;2;100;120;130m";    # background color: grey
   number   = 'darkGreen'            ;
   variable = [ConsoleColor]::Yellow

See also

Powershell command noun: psReadLineOption
