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Creating COM Objects with PowerShell

In PowerShell, a COM Object is created with the new-object cmdlet by using its -com parameter and passing this parameter the name of the requested COM object's ProgID.

Returned object type

Typically, new-object -com … returns a System.__ComObject object. In special cases however, it returns an «interop» object that wraps the COM Object.
This behaviour is demonstrated in the following simple example.
First, we create two COM objects …
PS C:\> $fso = new-object -com scripting.filesystemobject
PS C:\> $xls = new-object -com excel.application
… and then determine their types:
PS C:\> $fso.GetType().FullName

PS C:\> $xls.GetType().FullName
I wondered why new-object -com does not always return a __ComObject object. The explanation seems to be related to the way in which COM Objects are registered with the registry.
When I used new-object -com progId, the CLSID that is associated with was determined. The value of this CLSID is found in the registry as default value of the registry key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID:
$null = new-psDrive -name HKCR -psProvider registry -root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT

$clsid_xls = get-itemPropertyValue -name '(default)' HKCR:\excel.application\CLSID
$clsid_fso = get-itemPropertyValue -name '(default)' HKCR:\scripting.filesystemobject\CLSID

write-host "CLSIDs: xls: $clsid_xls, fso: $clsid_fso"
CLSIDs: xls: {00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}, fso: {0D43FE01-F093-11CF-8940-00A0C9054228}
Each of these CLSIDs has a registry key named InprocServer32 that is found under the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{clsid}
If we look up these keys in regedit.exe, we find some differences.

In-proc server for file system object

In the case of the file system object, «only» a DLL is registred:

In-proc server for Excel

However, for the Excel object, an assembly and a (default?) class is registered:
