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PowerShell cmdLet Get-ItemPropertyValue

get-itemPropertyValue returns the value of a named property of an item.
get-itemProperty is related, but returns a psCustomObject that happens to have the properties with the same names as being requested with get-itemPropertyValue.
Note that there is no corresponding set-itemPropertyValue.

File System

If used on file system items (that is: directories and files), get-itemPropertyValue can be used to get these items' property-values such as creationTime, lastAccessTime, attributes etc.
The following example displays the creation time of the temp directory:
get-itemPropertyValue $env:temp creationTime

Registry values

get-itemPropertyValue is especially useful to return one ore more values that are stored under a registry key.
The following invocation of the cmdLet returns one value from a given registry key:
get-itemPropertyValue 'hklm:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion' currentBuild
If multiple values are requested, the cmdLet returns an array.
get-itemPropertyValue 'hklm:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion' releaseId, systemRoot

See also

The command parameter -credential.
Powershell command noun: itemPropertyValue
