Search notes:

Powershell command noun: itemProperty

With the itemProperty command noun, an item's (such as a file's, directory's or registry key's) attributes can be modified.
Commands related to the PowerShell command noun itemProperty:

File and directory attributes

File ind directory related attributes that can be gotten and set (if not read only) are:
Attribute Name Data Type Writeable Comment
Attributes System.IO.FileAttributes
CreationTime System.DateTime
CreationTimeUtc System.DateTime
Directory System.IO.DirectoryInfo Files only
DirectoryName System.String Files only
Exists System.Boolean ?
Extension System.String
FullName System.String
IsReadOnly System.Boolean Files only
LastAccessTime System.DateTime
LastAccessTimeUtc System.DateTime
LastWriteTime System.DateTime
LastWriteTimeUtc System.DateTime
Length System.Int64 Files only
Name System.String
Parent System.IO.DirectoryInfo Directories only
Root System.IO.DirectoryInfo Directories only

Registry values

For PowerShell, registry values are itemProperties, not items: in order to create a new value with PowerShell, the new-itemProperty cmdLet is needed.
So, in that respect, the registry values are treated differently from file-system files in PowerShell.

See also

PowerShell providers
The cmdLet nouns item and itemPropertyValue.
Powershell command nouns
