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PowerShell cmdLet Invoke-Item

invoke-item performs the «default action» on the specified item. On most system, the following command opens foo.txt in a text editor:
invoke-item foo.txt
The following command does not necessarily run the script named xyz.ps1. It's possible it is opened in an editor:
Invoke-item .\xyz.ps1   


An alias for invoke-item is ii.

Opening a directory in the explorer

invoke-item comes in handy to open a given directory in the explorer:
PS C:\users\rene> ii $env:temp
This is, imho, especially useful when I want to open the current directory in the explorer
PS C:\users\rene> ii .
For completness' sake, the same thing can be achieved in cmd.exe with the start command:
C:\users\rene> start .

See also

The method InvokeItem() in System.Management.Automation.Provider.ItemCmdletProvider.
The command parameter -credential.
Powershell command noun: item
