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PowerShell cmdLet out-gridView

out-gridView displays one or more objects in a GUI
Apparently, in order to run out-gridView in PowerShell core, the module Microsoft.PowerShell.GraphicalTools is required.

Showing an array

'foo', 'bar', 'baz' | out-gridView -title 'An array'
Github repository about-PowerShell, path: /cmdlets/gridView/out/array.ps1

Showing an array of psCustomObjects

[psCustomObject] @{ num = 1; english = 'one'  ; german = 'eins'; french = 'un'    },
[psCustomObject] @{ num = 2; english = 'two'  ; german = 'zwei'; french = 'deux'  },
[psCustomObject] @{ num = 3; english = 'three'; german = 'drei'; french = 'trois' } | out-gridView
Github repository about-PowerShell, path: /cmdlets/gridView/out/array-psCustomObjects.ps1

See also

Powershell command noun: gridView
PowerShell command verb: out
