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Powershell command noun: experimentalFeature

The cmdLet noun experimentalFeature is avaialble in PowerShell Core.
Commands related to the PowerShell command noun experimentalFeature:
As of commit fd125c9, features that can be enabled or disabled are
PSImplicitRemotingBatching Batch implicit remoting proxy commands to improve performance
PSCommandNotFoundSuggestion Recommend potential commands based on fuzzy search on a CommandNotFoundException
PSForEachObjectParallel New parameter set for ForEach-Object to run script blocks in parallel
PSTernaryOperator Support the ternary operator
PSErrorView New formatting for ErrorRecord
PSUpdatesNotification Print notification message when new releases are available
PSCoalescingOperators Support the null coalescing operator and null coalescing assignment operator in PowerShell language
PSPipelineChainOperators Allow use of && and || as operators between pipeline invocations
A list of all experimental features that are discovered by PowerShell can be queried with get-experimentalFeature.

Check if a specific experimental feature is enabled

If a specific experimental feature is enabled can be determined like so:
PS C:\> [System.Management.Automation.ExperimentalFeature]::IsEnabled('PSTernaryOperator')
Because [ExperimentalFeature] is a type accelerator for System.Management.Automation.ExperimentalFeature], the check can be abbreviated:
PS C:\> [ExperimentalFeature]::IsEnabled('PSTernaryOperator')

See also

Powershell command nouns
