Search notes:

System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights (enum)

Field name Value Right
ChangePermissions 262144 change the access rules and audit rules associated with a registry key.
CreateLink 32 Reserved for system use.
CreateSubKey 4 Create subkeys of a registry key.
Delete 65536 Delete a registry key.
EnumerateSubKeys 8 List the subkeys of a registry key.
Notify 16 Request notification of changes on a registry key.
QueryValues 1 Query the name/value pairs in a registry key.
ReadPermissions 131072 Open and copy the access rules and audit rules for a registry key.
SetValue 2 Create, delete, or set name/value pairs in a registry key.
TakeOwnership 524288 Change the owner of a registry key.
ReadKey, ExecuteKey 131097 QueryValues, EnumerateSubKeys, Notify, ReadPermissions
WriteKey 131078 SetValue, CreateSubKey, ReadPermissions
FullControl 983103 Exert full control over a registry key, and to modify its access rules and audit rules.
