Search notes:

System.RuntimeType (internal class)

System.RuntimeType inherits from System.Reflection.TypeInfo which inherits from System.Type which inherits from System.Reflection.MemberInfo
Type is an abstract base class that allows multiple implementations. The system will always provide the derived class RuntimeType. In reflection, all classes beginning with the word Runtime are created only once per object in the system and support comparison operations.

typeof() operator in C-Sharp

The typeof operator of C# evaluates to a System.RuntimeType.

Using System.RuntimeType in PowerShell

A System.RuntimeType object is returned when calling an object's .GetType() method:.
PS C:\> $curDir = get-item .
PS C:\> $curDir | get-member

   TypeName: System.RuntimeType

PS C:\> $curDir.GetType().GetType().FullName
A System.RuntimeType is also returned when using the square brackes on a type name:
PS C:\> [System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal].GetType().FullName

Casting a string to a type (PowerShell)

With the -as operator of PowerShell, it is possible to cast a string to a type:
'system.int32' -as [type]

See also

System.RuntimeType derives from System.Reflection.TypeInfo which derives from System.Type.


.NET reference source
