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System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute (class)

The System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllIimportAttribute class is used to call a function in an unmanaged DLL.


Default value
BestFitMapping A boolean that enables or disables so called best fitting mapping when converting Unicode characters to ANSI characters. true
CallingConvention A value of the System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention enum that specifies the calling of the entry point. Winapi
CharSet Specifies the character set that is used to marshal a string. If ExactSpelling is false, it also influences if A or W is appended to the name specified in EntryPoint Ansi (Always?)
EntryPoint The name or ordinal (to be prefixed with #) of the DLL entry point to be called.
ExactSpelling A boolean: if false, the letter A is appended to EntryPoint if CharSet is set to Ansi and W is appended if CharSet is set to Unicode. If true, name of EntryPoint is not modified. i
SetLastError A boolean: if true, SetLastError is called (and cached) before returning to the caller.

See also

The System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet enum.
