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System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage (class)

System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage stores the response of a HTTP request: most importantly header, content and status code.
HttpResponseMessage inherits from System.Object.


Content The «text» of the HTTP response.
Headers Collection of HTTP response headers (A System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpResponseHeaders object)
IsSuccessStatusCode A boolean value that indicates if the HTTP response was successful.
ReasonPhrase The text that corresponds to the status code (for exmple OK for 200).
RequestMessage A System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage object that corresonds to the HTTP request.
StatusCode Gets or sets the status code of the HTTP response.
TrailingHeaders A System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpResponseHeaders object
Version HTTP message, as System.Version object.

See also

System.Net.HttpWebResponse, System.Web.HttpResponse
