Search notes:

System.Globalization.NumberStyles (enum)

System.Globalization.NumberStyles defines a set of flags which determine the possible number formates (allowed symboles etc) used in Parse() and TryParse().
AllowCurrencySymbol 256 Number contains a currency symbol, valid currency symbols are determined by the CurrencySymbol property.
AllowDecimalPoint 32 If the NumberStyles value includes the AllowCurrencySymbol flag and the parsed string includes a currency symbol, the decimal separator character is determined by the CurrencyDecimalSeparator property. Otherwise, the decimal separator character is determined by the NumberDecimalSeparator property.
AllowExponent 128 Exponential notation (E or e)
AllowHexSpecifier 512 Hexadeimal value. Strings cannot be prefixed with 0x or &h. Can only be combined with AllowLeadingWhite and AllowTrailingWhite (See HexNumber)
AllowLeadingSign 4 Leading sign, valid leading sign characters are determined by the PositiveSign and NegativeSign properties. Compare with AllowTrailingSign
AllowLeadingWhite 1 Valid white-space characters have the Unicode values U+0009, U+000A, U+000B, U+000C, U+000D and U+0020 (which is a subset of the characters for which IsWhiteSpace(Char) returns true). Compare with AllowTrailingWhite
AllowParentheses 16 Allows parentheses to indicate negative numbers
AllowThousands 64 Allow group separators
AllowTrailingSign 8 Cmopare with AllowLeadingSign
AllowTrailingWhite 2 Compare with AllowLeadingWhite
Any 511 All styles except AllowHexSpecifier
Currency 383 All styles except AllowExponent and AllowHexSpecifier
Float 167 The combination of AllowLeadingWhite, AllowTrailingWhite, AllowLeadingSign, AllowDecimalPoint and AllowExponent.
HexNumber 515 Combination of AllowLeadingWhite, AllowTrailingWhite and AllowHexSpecifier
Integer 7 Combination of AllowLeadingWhite, AllowTrailingWhite and AllowLeadingSign
None 0 Only integral decimal digits are allowed.
Number 111 Combination of AllowLeadingWhite, AllowTrailingWhite, AllowLeadingSign, AllowTrailingSign, AllowDecimalPoint and AllowThousands styles are used.
