Search notes:

System.AttributeTargets (enum)

System.AttributeTargets is an enum that lists the language elements on which an attribute (a class that derives from System.Attribute inherits) can be applied.
Language element to which attribute can be applied
All 32767 any application element
Assembly 1 an assembly
Class 4 a class.
Constructor 32 a constructor
Delegate 4096 a delegate
Enum 16 an enumeration
Event 512 an event
Field 256 a field
GenericParameter 16384 a generic parameter. Currently, this attribute can be applied only in C#, Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL), and emitted code.
Interface 1024 an interface.
Method 64 a method.
Module 2 a module. Module refers to a portable executable file (DLL or executable), not a Visual Basic standard module.
Parameter 2048 a parameter
Property 128 a property
ReturnValue 8192 a return value
Struct 8 a structure (i.e. a value type)
