Search notes:

Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleBlob (class)

Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleBlob allows to access blob data.
OracleBlob derives from System.IO.Stream.

Writing blobs to files

The following example tries to demonstrate how OracleBlob can be used to extract blob-data and write it into a file. The example assumes that there is a table named tableWithBlob that has (at least) the two columns filename (a varchar2) and image with binary data to be stored in the file named filename.
//   set ORACLE_HOME=c:\oracle\18c
//   copy %oracle_home%\ODP.NET\bin\4\Oracle.DataAccess.dll .
//   csc -reference:Oracle.DataAccess.dll writeBlobToFile.cs

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;
using Oracle.DataAccess.Types;

class Prg {

   static void Main() {

      OracleConnection ora =  new OracleConnection($"user Id=rene;password=rene;data source=Ora18");
      OracleCommand    sql = new OracleCommand("select filename, image from tableWithBlob", ora);
      sql.CommandType      = CommandType.Text;
      OracleDataReader rdr = sql.ExecuteReader();

      while (rdr.Read()) {
         String     filename = rdr.GetString    (0);
         OracleBlob image    = rdr.GetOracleBlob(1);

         Console.WriteLine($"{filename}: {image.Length} bytes");

         Byte[] bytes =  new Byte[image.Length];

         int lenRead = image.Read(bytes,0, System.Convert.ToInt32(image.Length ));
         if (lenRead != image.Length) {
            Console.WriteLine($"! lenRead = {lenRead}");

         File.WriteAllBytes(filename, bytes);
Github repository .NET-API, path: /Oracle/DataAccess/Types/OracleBlob/writeBlobToFile.cs

See also

The corresponding class to access (long) raw is Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleBinary.
A similar example for MySQL is here.
