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Signing a .NET assembly

When an assembly is signed, a hash is taken from its relevant parts and encrypted with a private key. The encrypted hash and the public key are then stored within the assembly. The assembly thus becomes a strong named assembly.
A signed assembly can then be referenced from another assembly or exe, either at compile time (csc … /reference:assmbly.dll) or at run time (Assembly.Load(… public_key_token)).
A strong named assembly can only reference other strong named assemblies because otherwise they'd become insecure.

Display public key and public key token of signed assembly

The public key and public key token of a signed assembly can be shown with the sn.exe command line tool:
PS P:\rojects\xyz> sn -Tp .\tq84_asmb.dll


Public key (hash algorithm: sha1):

Public key token is 203fb045f5c12ec9

See also

sn.exe, signtool.exe
