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Visio VBA: laying out shapes on a page

The following is a attempt to create a dependency chart. With Graphviz this is a breeze, the result of my attempt however is rather dissapointing, I feel the result could look much nicer.
Apparently, in order to create nicer drawings, the behaviour of layout should be changed by setting and modifying formulas of cells in the Page Layout and Shape Layout Shape Sheet sections of the particular page.
Since I haven't done that, this might explain why the result is not that beautiful.
option explicit

dim pag as page

sub main()

   dim doc as document

   set doc = activeDocument
   set pag = doc.pages(1)

   dim nodes(1 to 10) as shape
   dim edges(1 to 10) as shape

   set nodes( 1) = createNode("one"  )
   set nodes( 2) = createNode("two"  )
   set nodes( 3) = createNode("three")
   set nodes( 4) = createNode("four" )
   set nodes( 5) = createNode("five" )
   set nodes( 6) = createNode("six"  )
   set nodes( 7) = createNode("seven")
   set nodes( 8) = createNode("eight")
   set nodes( 9) = createNode("nine" )
   set nodes(10) = createNode("ten"  )

   set edges( 1) = createEdge(nodes( 3), nodes( 5))
   set edges( 2) = createEdge(nodes( 3), nodes( 1))
   set edges( 3) = createEdge(nodes( 4), nodes( 3))
   set edges( 4) = createEdge(nodes( 2), nodes( 8))
   set edges( 5) = createEdge(nodes( 3), nodes( 2))
   set edges( 6) = createEdge(nodes( 7), nodes( 3))
   set edges( 7) = createEdge(nodes( 5), nodes( 1))
   set edges( 8) = createEdge(nodes( 5), nodes( 9))
   set edges( 9) = createEdge(nodes( 1), nodes( 6))
   set edges(10) = createEdge(nodes( 8), nodes(10))

 ' Automatically layout shapes on the page:

   activeWindow.showGrid = false

end sub

function createNode(txt as string) as shape ' {

    set createNode = pag.drawRectangle(0, 0, 1.2, 0.5)
  createNode.text = txt

end function ' }

function createEdge(nodeFrom as shape, nodeTo as shape) as shape ' {

    nodeFrom.autoConnect nodeTo, visAutoConnectDirNone, createEdge
    set createEdge = pag.shapes(pag.shapes.count)

  ' Add arrow
    createEdge.cells("EndArrow") = 13

end function ' }
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Visio/Page/layout/simple.bas
