Search notes:

Outlook VBA: Show folder tree

The following example iterates over all store objects found in a session and iterates over the store's The folder hierarchy.
option explicit

sub main() ' {

    dim str as

    for each str in application.session.stores
        dim rootFld as folder
        set rootFld = str.getRootFolder
        debug.print  str.filePath
        recurseFolder rootFld, 1

    next str

end sub ' }

sub recurseFolder(byVal fldParent as outlook.folder, byVal lvl as long) ' {

    debug.print string(lvl*2, " ") & fldParent.folderPath & " (" & & ")"

    dim fldChild as outlook.folder
    for each fldChild in fldParent.folders
        recurseFolder fldChild, lvl+1
    next fldChild

end sub ' }
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Outlook/Folder/folder-tree.vb
