Search notes:

Scripts to examine the Office Object Model


diff-object-properties.bas allows to find differences (changes) of an object's properties.
The script is used in two steps. In the first step (gatherProperties), the object's property names and their values are stored in a dictionary.
The object is then changed.
The second step (diffProperties()) then compares the current values of the object's properties with those stored in the dictionary. If they differ, the name and the old and new value of the property are printed.
' Add reference for »Microsoft Scripting Runime« (
' in order to have the dictionary:
'     thisDocument.VBProject.references.addFromGuid GUID:="{420B2830-E718-11CF-893D-00A0C9054228}", major := 1, minor := 0
' And also for Type Lib Information:
'     call application.VBE.activeVBProject.references.addFromGuid("{8B217740-717D-11CE-AB5B-D41203C10000}", 1, 0)
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

option explicit

dim settings_ as scripting.dictionary
dim obj       as object

sub gatherProperties(o as object) ' {

    set settings_ = new scripting.dictionary
    set obj       = o

    iterateOverOptions true

end sub ' }

sub diffProperties() ' {

    iterateOverOptions false

end sub ' }

sub iterateOverOptions(fillDict as boolean) ' {

    on error goto err_

    dim tlApp  as new tli.tliApplication
    dim tlInfo as     tli.typeInfo

    dim dummy  as     long

    set tlInfo = tlApp.interfaceInfoFromObject(obj)

    dim mbrInfo as tli.memberInfo
    for each mbrInfo in tlInfo.members ' {

        if mbrInfo.descKind <> tli.desckind_funcDesc then ' {
           debug.print "Unexpected desckind for " &
'          goto skip
        end if ' }

'       if mbrInfo.returnType = tli.vt_empty then ' {
'          debug.print "Return type empty for " &
'          goto skip
'       end if '

        if hasMandatoryParameters(mbrInfo) then ' {
'          debug.print " has mandatory parameters, skipping"
           goto skip
        end if ' }

        if      mbrInfo.invokeKind = invoke_propertyGet then ' {

                dim settingValue as variant
                settingValue = callByName(obj,, vbGet)

                if fillDict then
                   settings_.add, settingValue

                  if settings_( <> settingValue then
                     debug.print "Diff for " & & ": old = " & settings_( & ", new = " & settingValue
                     settings_( = settingValue
                  end if

                end if

'       elseIf  mbrInfo.invokeKind = invoke_propertyPut then
        ' }
        else ' {
             ' Do nothing
        end if' ' }


    next mbrInfo ' }

    exit sub


    if err.number = 5852 then                  ' Application-defined or object-defined error
'      debug.print "5852 for " &  '   This error occurs for example when trying to access
       resume next                             '   application.options.defaultEPostageApp in MS Word
    end if                                     '

    if err.number =  450 then                  ' Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment
'      debug.print "450 for "  &  '   This error occurs for example when trying to access
       resume next                             '   application.documents in MS Word
    end if                                     '

    if err.number =  509 then                  ' The  command is not available because the command is not available on this platform.
'      debug.print "509 for "  &  '   This error occurs for example when trying to access
       resume next                             '   application.wordBasic in MS Word
    end if                                     '

    if err.number =  438 then                  ' Object doesn't support this property or method
'      debug.print "438 for "  &  '   This error occurs for example when trying to access
       resume next                             '   application.system in MS Word
    end if                                     '

    if err.number = 5111 then                  ' Application-defined or object-defined error
'      debug.print "5111 for " &  '   This error occurs for example when trying to access
       resume next                             '   application.fileSearch in MS Word
    end if                                     '

    if err.number =   91 then                  ' Object variable or With block variable not set
'      debug.print "  91 for " &  '   This error occurs for example when trying to access
       resume next                             '   application.hangulHanjaDictionaries in MS Word
    end if                                     '

    if err.number =  440 then                  ' Automation error
'      debug.print " 440 for " &  '   This error occurs for example when trying to access
       resume next                             '   application.answerWizard in MS Word
    end if                                     '

    debug.print "Error: " & err.description & " (" & err.number & ")"
    debug.print "       " &

end sub ' }

function hasMandatoryParameters(mbr as tli.memberInfo) as boolean

'     hasMandatoryParameters = false

      hasMandatoryParameters = (mbr.parameters.count <> mbr.parameters.defaultCount)

'     dim par as tli.parameterInfo
'     for each par in mbr.parameters ' {

'         if not (par.flags and tli.paramFlag_fOpt) then
'            hasMandatoryParameters = true
'            exit function
'         end if

'     next par ' }

end function ' }
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /scripts/diff-object-properties.bas
The script was quite helpful do determine the MS Word option names in order to configure Word with Power Shell on the command line.
