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Excel helpers: highlighting rows

Highlighting the row of the currently selected cell

global lastHighlightedRow as long

sub highlightRowOfSelectedCell()

    if lastHighlightedRow > 0 Then
       rows(lastHighlightedRow).Interior.ColorIndex = 0 ' no fill?
    end if

    rows(selection.row).interior.color = rgb(230, 230, 230)
    lastHighlightedRow = selection.row

end sub
Github repository about-Excel, path: /helpers/highlightRowOfSelectedCell.bas

Highlighting the row the mouse is hovering over

The following function (sub) highlights the row that the mouse is currently hovering over. Additionally, it un-highlights the previously highlighted row.
In order to determine the position of the mouse, it needs the Win API function GetCursorPos.
option explicit

declare function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" (lpPoint as POINTAPI) as long

     x as long
     Y as long
end  type

global lastHighligtedRow as long

sub highlightRow

    dim cursorPos as POINTAPI
    GetCursorPos cursorPos

    dim rng as range

    set rng = activeWindow.rangeFromPoint(cursorPos.x, cursorPos.Y)

    if lastHighligtedRow > 0 then
       rows(lastHighligtedRow).interior.colorIndex = 0 ' no fill?
    end if

    rows(rng.row).interior.color = rgb(230, 230, 230)
    lastHighligtedRow = rng.row

end sub
Github repository about-Excel, path: /helpers/highlightRow.bas
In order to add a shortcut key to call the function automatically, the following can be used:
application.onKey "{F10}", "highlightRow"

See also

Excel helpers
