Search notes:

Excel: PivotTable


A PivotTable object's fields (including hidden ones) are exposed in the object's pivotFields member.

Data types of fields

For a PivotTable, the data type determines how a field is treated when added to the PivotTable.
There are three fundamental data types of fields and a corresponding xlPivotFieldDataType VBA enum. These data types are:
xlDate 2 date
xlNumber -4145 number
xlText -4185 text

Location (orientation) of a field

Where the values of a field are located is determined by its «orientiation»: The following places which correspond to the xlPivotFieldOrientation enumeration are possible:
xlColumnField 2 A Column field
xlDataField 4 A data field
xlHidden 0 A hidden field
xlPageField 3
xlRowField 1

Placement on worskheet

The range that a pivot table occupies on a worksheet can be queried from the pivot table's .tableRange1 and .tableRange2 properties:
debug.print activeSheet.pivotTables("pivotTable_foo_bar_baz").tableRange1.address
debug.print activeSheet.pivotTables("pivotTable_foo_bar_baz").tableRange2.address

See also

The menus
The VBA function]
Creating a column-clusted chart using a PivotTable.
