Search notes:

Office Object Model: Excel - WorkbookQuery

A WorkbookQuery object represents a query that was crated by Power Query. Its formula property stores the Power Query M formula.
Compare the workbookQuery object with the queryTable and listObject objects.
Note that the collection that contains workbookQuery objects is named queries (not workbookQueries!) and is found in the workbook object.

Methods and Properties

Formula The Power Query M formula that provides the data for the object

Display result of Power Query program in ListObject

The result of a Power Query program can be displayed in a ListObject as demonstrated below.
Note the special OLE DB provider Microsoft.Mashup.OleDb.1.
option explicit

sub main()

   dim formula_m  as string
   dim query_name as string

   formula_m = "let result =              " & _
               "  Table.FromColumns( {    " & _
               "  {          42  ,            99   ,      7   }," & _
               "  { ""forty-two"", ""ninety-nine"", ""seven"" } " & _
               "}, {                      " & _
               "   ""num"", ""txt"" })    " & _
               "in                        " & _
               "  result"

 ' query_name = "qry"

   dim query as workbookQuery
   set query = activeWorkbook.queries.add(     _
           name     :=  "qry"                , _
           formula  :=  formula_m)

   dim connectionString as string
   connectionString = "OLEDB;"                             & _
                      "Provider=Microsoft.Mashup.OleDb.1;" & _
                      "Data Source=$Workbook$;"            & _
                      "Location=" & & ";"       & _
                      "Extended Properties="""""

   dim destTable as listObject
   set destTable = activeSheet.listObjects.add( _
       sourceType  := xlSrcExternal            , _
       source      := connectionString         , _
       destination := activeSheet.cells(2,2))

   with destTable.queryTable
        .commandType            = xlCmdSql
        .commandText            = array("select * from [" & & "]")
        .refresh backgroundQuery := false
    end with

end sub
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Excel/WorkbookQuery/display-power-query-result-in-listObject.vb

See also

Excel Object Model
