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Office Object Model: Excel - Validation

The Validation object allows to constrain the possible values that can be entered in a range.
Although the method add implies that there can be added mulitpe validation rules for a range or cell, this is not the case. A cell can have at most one validation rule.

Properties and methods

alertStyle read-only, returns a value of the xlDVAlertStyle enumeration.
errorTitle and errorMessage The title and text of the message box that is displayed when the data validation rule is violated and showError is true
formula1 read-only.
formula2 read-only, only used if operator is xlBetween or xlNotBetween
ignoreBlank A boolean: if true, blank values or not validated.
inCellDropdown A boolean: if true and type is xlValidateList, the valid values can be chosen from a drop-down control
inputTitle, inputMessage The title and text of the tool tip that is associated with the cell. The tool tip is only shown if showInput is set to true.
operator xlBetween, xlEqual, xlGreater, xlGreaterEqual, xlLess, xlLessEqual, xlNotBetween or xlNotEqual
showError A boolean: if true, a message box is shown if an entered value violates the validation rule.
showInput A boolean that specifies if the tool-tip that is associated with a validation rule is displayed.
type xlValidateCustom, xlValidateDate, xlValidateDecimal, xlValidateInputOnly, xlValidateList, xlValidateTextLength, xlValidateTime or xlValidateWholeNumber. If type is xlValidateCustom, the value of formula1 is a formula that evaluates true or false.

Example: Validation rule that checks for numbers

The following VBA example tries to demonstrate how to assign a data validation rule to a range so that the user cannot enter text.
Note: a user still can copy/paste text from another cell into the range (which simply overwrites the rule).
option explicit

sub main() ' {

   dim rng as range
   set rng = range(cells(4,3), cells(7, 7))
   rng.borderAround xlContinuous, xlMedium, color := rgb(140, 90, 180)

   setValidation rng

end sub ' }

sub setValidation(rng as range) ' {

    dim firstCellRelativeAddress as string
    dim formula                  as string

    firstCellRelativeAddress =  rng.address(rowAbsolute := false, columnAbsolute := false)
    formula                  = "=isNumber(" & firstCellRelativeAddress & ")"

    with rng.validation ' {

        .add type := xlValidateCustom, formula1 := formula

        .ignoreBlank  =  true

        .showInput    =  true
        .inputTitle   = "Validation rule"
        .inputMessage = "Enter a numerical value"

        .showError    =  true
        .errorTitle   = "Validation rule failed"
        .errorMessage = "Please enter a number""

    end with ' }

end sub ' }
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Excel/Validation/only-numbers.vb

See also

Data validation in Excel
Data -> Data Tools -> Data Validation
Excel Object Model
