Search notes:

Excel Range object: sort

option explicit

dim curDataRow  as long
public rngTestData as range

sub main() ' {


  '                 Sort on second column: -------+
  '                                               |
  '                                               V
    rngTestData.sort key1 := rngTestData.offset(0,1).resize(1,1), order1 := xlAscending, header := xlNo

end sub ' }

sub fillTestData() ' {

    curDataRow = 3

    addDataRow  1, "one"
    addDataRow  2, "two"
    addDataRow  3, "three"
    addDataRow  4, "four"
    addDataRow  5, "five"
    addDataRow  6, "six"
    addDataRow  7, "seven"
    addDataRow  8, "eight"
    addDataRow  9, "nine"
    addDataRow 10, "ten"

    set rngTestData = range(cells(3,3), cells(curDataRow-1, 4))

end sub ' }

sub addDataRow(numVal as long, numText as string) ' {

    cells(curDataRow, 3) = numVal
    cells(curDataRow, 4) = numText

    curDataRow = curDataRow + 1

end sub ' }
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Excel/Range/sort/basic.vb

Sorting the selected region in the Immediate Window

Assuming the selection has a header row that contains column names, the selected region can be sorted based on the values of the columns amount in the immediate window like so:
selection.sort header := xlYes, key1 := "amount", order1 := xlAscending
Sort the selection in column J:
selection.sort header := xlYes, key1 := columns("J"), order1 := xlAscending
Sort the 3rd column of the selection:
selection.sort header := xlYes, key1 := selection.cells(1,3), order1 := xlAscending

See also

The range and sort object.
