Search notes:

Excel Object Model: range.pasteSpecial

pasteSpecial (optional paste as xlPasteType := ???, optional operation as xlPasteSpecialOperation := ???, optional skipBlanks as variant := false, optiona transpose as variant := false)


xlPasteAll -4104 Everything will be pasted.
xlPasteAllExceptBorders 7 Everything except borders will be pasted.
xlPasteAllMergingConditionalFormats 14 Everything will be pasted and conditional formats will be merged.
xlPasteAllUsingSourceTheme 13 Everything will be pasted using the source theme.
xlPasteColumnWidths 8 Copied column width is pasted.
xlPasteComments -4144 Comments are pasted.
xlPasteFormats -4122 Copied source format is pasted.
xlPasteFormulas -4123 Formulas are pasted.
xlPasteFormulasAndNumberFormats 11 Formulas and Number formats are pasted.
xlPasteValidation 6 Validations are pasted.
xlPasteValues -4163 Values are pasted.
xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats 12 Values and Number formats are pasted.


xlPasteSpecialOperationAdd 2 Copied data will be added to the value in the destination cell.
xlPasteSpecialOperationDivide 5 Copied data will divide the value in the destination cell.
xlPasteSpecialOperationMultiply 4 Copied data will multiply the value in the destination cell.
xlPasteSpecialOperationNone -4142 No calculation will be done in the paste operation.
xlPasteSpecialOperationSubtract 3 Copied data will be subtracted from the value in the destination cell.
