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Office Object Model: Excel - PageSetup

The PageSetup object controls various attributes of a worksheet's pages such as paper size, margins, orientation, printing information etc.

printArea excel-pageSetup-printArea

printArea is a read/writable string that contains the address (in A1 style reference) of the range of a worksheet to be printed.
This value can be set to the empty string ("") in which case the entire worksheet (= .usedRange ?) will be printed.


The property .printTitleRows specifies one or more rows that are to be repeated when a worksheet is printed.
The data type of .printTitleRows is a string and might be set to value like $2:$2.

See also

The .view property of the window object can be set to xlPageLayoutView in order to make header and footer visible.
The PageSetup object of Word.
Excel Object Model
