Search notes:

Excel Object Model: Names

Methods and properties




Name English name (used if nameLocal is not specified).
RefersTo Describes what the name refers to, in English, using A1-style notation, if the RefersToLocal, RefersToR1C1, and RefersToR1C1Local parameters are not specified.
ShortcutKey Specifies the macro shortcut key. Must be a single letter, such as "z" or "Z". Applies only for command macros.
Category The category of the macro or function if the MacroType argument equals 1 or 2. The category is used in the Function Wizard. Existing categories can be referred to either by number, starting at 1, or by name, in English. Excel creates a new category if the specified category does not exist.
CategoryLocal The localized text that identifies the category of a custom function. Used if category is not specified
NameLocal Localized name. Compare with name.
MacroType 1: User-defined function; 2: Macro (sub); 3: neither function nor macro
RefersToLocal what name refers to, in localized text using A1-style notation. Used if refersTo, refersToR1C1 and refersToR1C1Local are not specified.
RefersToR1C1 What the name refers to, in English using R1C1-style notation, if the RefersTo, RefersToLocal, and RefersToR1C1Local parameters are not specified.
RefersToR1C1Local What the name refers to, in localized text using R1C1-style notation. Used if refersTo, refersToLocal and refersToR1C1 are not specified.
Visible Hidden names to not appear in the Define Name, Paste Name or Goto dialog box. (Default: true)
All parameters have variant data types and are optional. : Names (name and nameLocal cannot include spaces and cannot be formatted as cell references.

Adding a named range to worksheet (rather than a workbook)

The following example uses the refersTo parameter to add a named range to a worksheet. If the commented code were used instead, the named ranges would be added to the workbook instead (causing the second assignment to overwrite the first one).
option explicit

sub main() ' {

   if worksheets.
application.displayAlerts = false
   worksheets("WS 1").delete
   worksheets("WS 2").delete
application.displayAlerts = true

    dim ws_1 as worksheet
    dim ws_2 as worksheet

    set ws_1 = worksheets.add : = "WS 1"
    set ws_2 = worksheets.add : = "WS 2"

'   ws_1.range("b2:c4").name = "randomNumbers"
'   ws_2.range("e3:f6").name = "randomNumbers"
    ws_1.names.add "randomNumbers", ws_1.range("b2:c4")
    ws_2.names.add "randomNumbers", ws_2.range("e3:f6")

    ws_1.range("randomNumbers").formula = "=rand()"
    ws_2.range("randomNumbers").formula = "=rand()"

end sub ' }

See also

The name object
