Search notes:

Excel Object Model: Chart.Export

The export method of a chart object writes a file with the image of a file.
The following example produces this file:

Source code

option explicit

sub main() ' {


   dim chart_ as chart
   set chart_ = createChart

   call chart_.export(fileName := environ("temp") & "\export.png", filterName := "png")


end sub ' }

private function createChart() as chart ' {

    dim row_   as integer
    dim chart_ as chart

    row_ = 1

    cells(1,1).value = "x"
    cells(1,2).value = "sin(x) * x/3 + x"

    dim x as double
    for x = 0 to 10 step 0.1 ' {

        row_ = row_ + 1

        cells(row_, 1).value = x
        cells(row_, 2).value = sin(x) * x / 3 + x 

    next x ' }

    dim shape_ as shape
    set shape_ = activeSheet.shapes.addChart

    set createChart = shape_.chart

    createChart.chartType = xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers
    createChart.setSourceData source := range(cells(1,1), cells(row_, 2))

end function ' }

private sub speedUp() ' { 

    application.screenUpdating    = false
    application.calculation       = xlCalculationManual
    application.enableEvents      = false
    application.displayStatusBar  = false

end sub ' }

private sub slowDown() ' { 

    application.screenUpdating    = true
    application.calculation       = xlCalculationAutomatic
    application.enableEvents      = true
    application.displayStatusBar  = true

end sub ' }
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Excel/Chart/export.bas

See also

Save a range as image in Excel
