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Excel Object Model: Application.cutCopyMode

The value of application.cutCopyMode indicates if there is something ready either to be copy-pasted or cut-pasted. There are three possible values:
false (= 0) Nothing is selected to be cut-pasted or copy pasted
xlCopy (= 1) Selection will be copied to destination
xlCut (= 2) Selection will be cut out from source and copied to destination
If Excel is either in copy or cut mode, the selected region is displayed with a dashed green border. Otherwise, the selection has a solid green border.
option explicit

sub main() ' {

    application.width  = 500
    application.height = 400

  [ b2:e4 ] = [{ "abc","def",2490,6104 ; "ghi","jkl",2828,96344 ; "mno","pqr",19041,940902 }]

    msgBox "cutCopyMode = " & cutCopyModeToString & chr(10) & "Going to select a region"

  [ c3:d4 ].select

    msgBox "cutCopyMode = " & cutCopyModeToString & chr(10) & "Going to simulate ctrl-c (copy)"


    msgBox "cutCopyMode = " & cutCopyModeToString & chr(10) & "Going to select the destination cell"

  [ b5    ].select

    msgBox "cutCopyMode = " & cutCopyModeToString & chr(10) & "Going to simulate ctrl-v (paste)"


    msgBox "cutCopyMode = " & cutCopyModeToString & chr(10) & "Going to 'unselect' selected from region"

    application.cutCopyMode = false

    msgBox "cutCopyMode = " & cutCopyModeToString & chr(10) & "Going to select another region"

  [ e2:e3 ].select

    msgBox "cutCopyMode = " & cutCopyModeToString & chr(10) & "Going to simulate ctrl-x (cut)"


    msgBox "cutCopyMode = " & cutCopyModeToString & chr(10) & "Going to select the destination cell"

  [ a3    ].select

    msgBox "cutCopyMode = " & cutCopyModeToString & chr(10) & "Going to simulate ctrl-v (paste)"


    msgBox "cutCopyMode = " & cutCopyModeToString & chr(10) & "finished"

end sub ' }

function cutCopyModeToString() as string ' {

    select case application.cutCopyMode
       case false : cutCopyModeToString = "false"
       case xlCopy: cutCopyModeToString = "xlCopy"
       case xlCut : cutCopyModeToString = "xlCut"
       case else  : cutCopyModeToString = "???"
    end select

end function ' }
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Excel/Application/cutCopyMode.bas
In the following image, cutCopyMode is xlCopy, so the border is green-dashed. Unfortunately, when using SnippingTool.exe to take a screen shot, the dashed border is lost. Hence, the picture shows it (wrongly) in solid.
The border is drawn green-dashed, here also, but again copied wrongly by SnippingTool.exe.
Here's the same problem as before: the border is originally drawn green-dashed, but because of the limitation of SnippingTool.exe, it is solid again:

See also

Setting cutCopyMode to false is especially useful to prevent the There is a large amount of information on the Clipboard… message when closing a workbook.
The application object of Excel's object model.
