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Microsoft Access Object model: GUID Test

This is a test to check how it is possible to insert and select GUIDs into/from an Access database with DAO.
option explicit

type GUID ' {
  '  Declared in rpcdce.h / included by rpc.h
     Data1          as long
     Data2          as integer
     Data3          as integer
     Data4 (0 to 7) as byte
end  type ' }

declare function CoCreateGuid    lib "ole32" (pguid as GUID) as long
declare function StringFromGUID2 lib "ole32" (rguid as GUID, byVal lpOleChar as any, byVal cbmax as long) as long

function CoCreateGuid_ as GUID ' {

    if CoCreateGuid(CoCreateGuid_) <> 0 then
       MsgBox "Something went wrong with CoCreateGuid"
    end if

end function ' }

function StringFromGUID2_(rguid as GUID) as string ' {

    StringFromGUID2_ = space$(38)

    call StringFromGUID2 (rguid, strPtr(StringFromGUID2_), 38*2)

end function ' }

sub main() ' {

    dim db as dao.database
    set db = application.currentDB

    createTable  db
    insertValues db
    selectValues db

 '  Cleaning up

    db.execute("drop table guids")

end sub ' }

sub createTable(db as dao.database) ' {

    db.execute(   _
   "create table guids ("        & _
   "  id     guid primary key, " & _
   "  txt    varchar(60)       " & _

end sub ' }

sub insertValues(db as dao.database) ' {

  '  Create queryDef for insert statement:

     dim stmt    as dao.queryDef
     set stmt = db.createQueryDef("",   _
       "parameters "                     & _
       "  parid     varchar(38), "       & _
       "  parTxt    varchar(60); "       & _
       "insert into guids values ([parId], [parTxt]) ")

     dim valId   as dao.parameter
     dim valTxt  as dao.parameter

     set valId  = stmt.parameters("parId" )
     set valTxt = stmt.parameters("parTxt")

     dim g as guid

  '  Insert ten records

     dim i as long
     for i = 1 to 10

         g = CoCreateGuid_

         valId  = StringFromGUID2_(g)
         valTxt = StringFromGUID2_(g)

      next i

end sub ' }

sub selectValues(db as dao.database) ' {

    dim stmt as queryDef
    set stmt = db.createQueryDef("", "select * from guids")

    dim rs as dao.recordSet
    set rs = stmt.openRecordSet

    do while not rs.eof

       debug.print(rs("id") & "  " & rs("txt"))


end sub ' }
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Access/tests/guid/insert-with-char.bas

Using binary

option explicit

sub main() ' {

    dim db as dao.database
    set db = application.currentDB

  ' db.execute("drop table tab")

    createTable db
    insertValue db

end sub ' }

sub createTable(db as dao.database) ' {

    db.execute(   _
   "create table tab ( " & _
   "  id     guid,     " & _
   "  txt    char(60)  " & _

   db.execute("alter table tab add constraint tab_pk primary key (id)")

end sub ' }

sub insertValue(db as dao.database) ' {

     dim stmt as dao.queryDef

     set stmt = db.createQueryDef("",   _
       "parameters "                  & _
       "  id     binary,   "          & _
       "  txt    char(60); "          & _
       "insert into tab values ([id], [txt]) ")

     dim parId   as dao.parameter
     dim parTxt  as dao.parameter

     set parId  = stmt.parameters("id" )
     set parTxt = stmt.parameters("txt")

     parId.value  =  GuidFromString("{936DA01F-9ABD-4D9D-80C7-02AF85C822A8}")
     parTxt.value = "Hello world."

     stmt.execute ' Access throws Runtime Error 3001 (Invalid argument)

end sub ' }
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Access/tests/guid/insert-with-binary.bas

See also

Other DAO tests
