Search notes:

Access: Exporting Data to Excel

The following Visual Basic for Application functions attempt to demonstrate how the data of an Access database can be exported into Excel. The interesing function is DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet.
After exporting the data, the first row of the exported Excel worksheet is fixed so that it acts as header (and so that the column names are always visible when scrolling down).
' In order to prevent compile error »User-defined type not defined« add the reference to the Excel Object Library in the immediate window:
'          call application.VBE.activeVBProject.references.addFromGuid("{00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", 1, 8)

option explicit

sub main() ' {

    dim db as dao.database
    set db = application.currentDB

    dropTableIfExists db, "tq84_data"
    db.execute("create table tq84_data(foo number, bar varchar(20), baz date)")

    db.execute("insert into tq84_data(foo, bar, baz) values (1   , ""one""  , now()                )")
    db.execute("insert into tq84_data(foo, bar, baz) values (2   , ""two""  , null                 )")
    db.execute("insert into tq84_data(foo, bar, baz) values (null, ""three"", #2019-01-05 12:34:56#)")
    db.execute("insert into tq84_data(foo, bar, baz) values (4   ,   null   , #2022-04-18 16:50:27#)")

    dim excelFileName as string
    excelFileName = environ$("TEMP") & "\access-to-excel-export.xlsx"
    doCmd.transferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12XML, "tq84_data", excelFileName, true

    excelMakeFirstRowHeader excelFileName

end sub ' }

sub excelMakeFirstRowHeader(excelFileName as string) ' {

  dim xls as new excel.application
  dim wkb as     excel.workbook

  set wkb =
  xls.activeWindow.freezePanes = true

end sub ' }

sub dropTableIfExists(db as dao.database, tableName as string) ' {
  on error goto err_
    db.execute("drop table " & tableName)
    exit sub
    if err.number = 3376 then
     ' Ignore »Table … does not exist«.
       exit sub
    end if

    err.raise err.number, err.source, err.description

end sub ' }
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Access/tests/export/excel-with-header.bas

See also

Other DAO tests
