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Access Object Model: QueryDef - Operation must use an updatable query

The following example code creates the run time error 3073 Operation must be an updatable query when the execute method of the queryDef object is invoked.
Why is that? I have no idea.
option explicit

sub test_3073() ' {

   dim db as dao.database
   set db = application.currentDB

 ' Drop table if it already exists:
   if not isNull(dLookup("Name", "MSysObjects", "Name='tab_3073'")) then db.execute("drop table tab_3073")

 ' Create table …
   db.execute("create table tab_3073(id number primary key, nr long, tx varchar(20))")

 ' … and insert some records
   db.execute("insert into tab_3073 values (1, 22, 'twenty-two')")
   db.execute("insert into tab_3073 values (2, 40, 'fourty'    )")
   db.execute("insert into tab_3073 values (3, 11, 'eighteen'  )")
   db.execute("insert into tab_3073 values (4, 21, 'twenty'    )")

   dim stmt as dao.queryDef
   set stmt = db.createQueryDef("", "parameters nr long, tx varchar(20); update tab_3073 set nr = [nr] where tx = [tx]")

 ' ??? The following line(s) cause Run-time error 3073 »Operation must use an updateable query.« ???
 '     Why, oh why am I cursed to use access in this project?
   stmt.parameters!nr = 18 : stmt.parameters!tx = "eighteen" : stmt.execute
   stmt.parameters!nr = 20 : stmt.parameters!tx = "twenty"   : stmt.execute

 ' Select values in table (code doesn't reach here…)
   dim rs as dao.recordSet
   set rs = db.openRecordset("tab_3073")
   do while not rs.eof ' {
      debug.print (rs!nr & " " & rs!tx)
   loop ' }

end sub ' }
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Access/QueryDef/3073-Operation-must-be-an-updateable-query.bas


… so, the problem really seems to be that the parameter names must not be equal to the column name in the assignment part of the update statement …
