Search notes:

Azure SQL Database

Managed, intelligent SQL in the Cloud.
Azure SQL Database is a product that belongs to the Azure SQL product family.

Deployment options

Azure SQL Database is deployed in one of two fundamental ways:
Single Database The available resources for the database are not shared.
Elasic Pool A set of resources is shared among the databases that participate in the elastic pool.
Elastic pools are especially cost-effective if the participating have variable usager patterns that have consumption peaks at different times.
In both cases, the resources are managed by logical SQL Server


Microsoft calls Azure SQL Database evergreen because it does not need to be patched or upgraded and thus also puts the dreaded end-of-support hassle to an end.

Fully Managed

Microsoft claims Azure SQL Database to be fully managed in the following areas:

See also

Azure SQL Managed Instance shares a common code basis with Azure SQL Database, here's a features comparison
Resource Providers for Azure Cosmos DB include See also get-azResourceProvider
The PowerShell command noun azSqlServer
Azure Data Factory
Excel menu Data -> Get & Transform Data -> Get Data -> From Azure -> From Azure SQL Database.
