Search notes:

Set Azure Protection Label Tag with WinAPI CBTHook and VBA


createHook.vb is the VBA module that implements the WinAPI functions to create CBT hook with SetWindowsHookEx.
The functions startHook and stopHook start and stop the hook.
option explicit

private hHook as long

' Win API {

type MouseInput        ' derived from WinAPI structure INPUT, which is a union {
   type_       as long ' 0 = mouse. (1 = keyboard, 2 = hardware, but requires different definition)

   dx          as long ' Relative or absolute
   dy          as long ' position, dependent on flags

   mouseData   as long ' Dependent on dwFlags
   dwFlags     as long ' we use this (see MOUSEEVENT flags below)
   time_       as long
   dwExtraInfo as long
end type ' }

private type RECT ' {
   Left   as long
   Top    as long
   Right  as long
   Bottom as long
end type ' }

' SetWindowsHookEx / UnhookWindowsHookEx {

private declare function SetWindowsHookEx _
    lib   "user32"                        _
    alias "SetWindowsHookExA"             _
    (byVal idHook     as long,            _
     byVal lpfn       as long,            _
     byVal hmod       as long,            _
     byVal dwThreadId as long) as long

private declare function UnhookWindowsHookEx lib "user32" _
    (byVal hHook as long) as long

' }

' GetWindowText / GetWindowTextLength {
private declare function GetWindowText       _
   lib   "user32"                            _
   alias "GetWindowTextA" (                  _
   byVal hwnd     as long  ,                 _
   byVal lpString as string,                 _
   byVal cch      as long                    _
) as long

private declare function GetWindowTextLength _
   lib   "user32"                            _
   alias "GetWindowTextLengthA"  (           _
   byVal hWnd    as long                     _
) as long

' }

' { GetWindowRect
private declare function GetWindowRect       _
   lib "user32.dll"                        ( _
   byVal hwnd   as long                    , _
   byRef lpRect as RECT                      _
) as long

' }

' { SendInput
private declare function SendInput _
   lib "User32.dll"                _
  (byVal nCommands as long       , _
         iCommand  as MouseInput , _
   byVal cSize     as long) as long

' }

' { SetCursorPos
private declare function SetCursorPos lib "user32" ( _
   byVal x as long,                                  _
   byVal y as long                                   _
) as long

' }

private declare function GetCurrentThreadId lib "kernel32" () as long

private declare sub      Sleep              lib "kernel32" (byVal dwMilliseconds as long)

private const WH_CBT        = 5
private const HCBT_ACTIVATE = 5

private const MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN   = &H2
private const MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP     = &H4
private const MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE       = &H1
private const MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN  = &H8
private const MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP    = &H10
private const MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP   = &H40
private const MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE   = &H8000
private const MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL      = &H800

' }

' getWindowText_ {
function getWindowText_(hWnd as long) as string ' {
 '  getWindowText_() is a convenience function to wrap
 '  the call to the WinAPI function GetWindowText()
    dim lenCopied   as long
    dim len_        as long

    len_           = GetWindowTextLength(hWnd)
    getWindowText_ = space(len_)
    lenCopied      = GetWindowText(hWnd, getWindowText_, len_+1)

end function ' }

' }

private sub mouseClick(x as long, y as long) ' {
 '   Simulate a mouse click on coordinates x, y

Sleep 500
    if SetCursorPos(x, y) = 0 then ' { Internal Use Only
        writeLog  "    SetCursorPos failed"
    end if ' }

    dim cmd as MouseInput

    cmd.type_       = 0 ' 0 = INPUT_MOUSE
    cmd.dx          = 0
    cmd.dy          = 0
  ' cmd.mouseData   =   ' not used
    cmd.time_       = 0 ' Let System provide timestamp
  ' cmd.dwExtraInfo =   ' not used

Sleep 500
    SendInput 1&, cmd, len(cmd)

Sleep 500
    cmd.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP
    SendInput 1&, cmd, len(cmd)

end sub ' }

public sub startHook() ' {
    writeLog "started"

    hHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CBT                  , _
                             addressOf cbtHook       , _
                             0                       , _

    writeLog "hHook = " & hHook

end sub ' }

public sub stopHook() ' {

    if hHook = 0 then
       exit sub
    end if

    UnhookWindowsHookEx hHook
    hHook = 0
    debug.print "unhooked"

end sub ' }

' cbtHook {
private function cbtHook(byVal lMsg   as long, _
                         byVal wParam as long, _
                         byVal lParam as long) as long

    writeLog "cbtHook       "

    if lMsg = HCBT_ACTIVATE then
       writeLog "  HCBT_ACTIVATE"

       dim winTxt as string

       winTxt = getWindowText_(wParam)
       writeLog "  winTxt  " & winTxt

       if winTxt = "Microsoft Azure Information Protection" then ' {

          writeLog "    MAIP"

          dim r as rect
          GetWindowRect wParam, r

          writeLog "    r.left = " & r.left

          mouseClick r.left+200, 75
          mouseClick r.left+420,

          writeLog "    Cursor set"

       end if ' }

    end if

    writeLog "exit cbtHook       "

end function ' }

sub writeLog(txt as string) ' {

   dim f as integer : f = freeFile()
   open environ("temp") & "\cbtHook.log" for append as #f
   print# f, txt
   close  f

end sub ' }
Github repository VBA-set-Azure-Information-Protection-tag, path: /createHook.vb


prog.vb is another VBA module that call startHook and stopHook.
option explicit

sub main(saveAsDir as string) ' {

    dim wb as workbook
    set wb = workbooks.add

    wb.sheets(1).cells(1,1) = "Press ctrl-s to save"
    wb.sheets(1).cells(2,1) = "Then call stopHook()"

end sub ' }
Github repository VBA-set-Azure-Information-Protection-tag, path: /prog.vb


create-Excel.wsf uses the MS Office App creator to create a simple application that is should demonstrate the hook.
Unfortunately, with the current version, Excel crashes after the Workbook is saved …
<script language="VBScript" src="VBS-MS-Office-App-Creator/create-MS-Office-app.vbs" />
<script language="VBScript">

   option explicit

   dim app
   dim xls
   set xls = createOfficeApp("excel", currentDir() & "created.xlsm")
   if xls is nothing then ' {
      wscript.echo("Could not create excel worksheet.")
   end if ' }

   set app = xls.application

   call insertModule(app, currentDir() & "createHook.vb", "hook", 1)
   call insertModule(app, currentDir() & "prog.vb"      , "prog", 1)

   call"main", currentDir())

   xls.saved = true

   wscript.echo("The end")
 ' Bring created Excel Workbook to the front:

</script> </job>
Github repository VBA-set-Azure-Information-Protection-tag, path: /create-Excel.wsf
