Search notes:


apt-get is the APT package handling utility.


update Resynchronize the package index files from their sources (whose location are specified in /etc/apt/sources.list). Compare with apt update and apt-get upgrade
upgrade Install the newest versions of all packages currently installed on the system.
dist-upgrade Functionality of upgrade plus managing changed dependencies. dist-upgrade might choose to remove packages (which update will not).
dselect-upgrade Used in conjunction with dselect.
install pgk… Install the mentioned packages (package name, not fully qualified filename)
reinstall Alias for install --reinstall
purge Note only remove a package, but also the associated configuration files.
source Fetch source packages
build-dep Install/remove packages in an attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package.
satisfy Satisfy the given dependency strings.
check Updates the package cache and checks for broken dependencies (for diagnostic purposes)
download Download the given binary package into the current directory.
clean Clears out the local repository of retrieved package files. It removes everything but the lock file from /var/cache/apt/archives/ and /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/
changelog Tries to download the changelog of a package and displays it through sensible-pager.
indextargets Displays by default a deb822 formatted listing of information about all data files


Configuration item
--no-install-recommends Do not consider recommended packages as a dependency for installing. APT::Install-Recommends
--install-suggests Consider suggested packages as a dependency for installing. APT::Install-Suggests
-d --download-only Packages are neither unpacked nor installed. APT::Get::Download-Only
-f --fix-broken Try to fix system with broken dependencies. APT::Get::Fix-Broken
-m --ignore-missing, APT::Get::Fix-Missing
--no-download Disables downloading of packages, typicall used together with --ignore-missing to force APT to use only the *.deb files it has already downloaded. APT::Get::Download
-q --quiet -q -q is even quieter. quiet
-y --yes, APT::Get::Assume-Yes
--assume-no APT::Get::Assume-No
--no-show-upgraded Do not show a list of all packages that are to be upgraded. APT::Get::Show-Upgraded
-V --verbose-versions Show full versions for upgraded and installed packages. APT::Get::Show-Versions
-a --host-architecture APT::Get::Host-Architecture
-P --build-profiles APT::Build-Profiles
-b --compile, --build Compile source packages after downloading them. APT::Get::Compile
--ignore-hold Ignore package holds. APT::Ignore-Hold
--with-new-pkgs APT::Get::Upgrade-Allow-New
--no-upgrade APT::Get::Upgrade
--only-upgrade APT::Get::Only-Upgrade
--allow-downgrades A dangerous option as it can destroy the system. APT::Get::allow-downgrades
--allow-remove-essential A dangerous option. APT::Get::allow-remove-essential
--allow-change-held-packages A dangerous option APT::Get::allow-change-held-packages
--force-yes A dangerous option APT::Get::force-yes
--print-uris Print URIs of files to install rather than fetching them. APT::Get::Print-URIs
--purge remove --purge is equivalent to the purge command. APT::Get::Purge
--reinstall Re-install packages that are already installed and at the newest version. APT::Get::ReInstall
--list-cleanup Erase obsolete files from /var/lib/apt/lists automatically. This option is on by default; --no-list-cleanup turns it off. APT::Get::List-Cleanup
-t --target-release, --default-release Controls which distribution packages will be retrieved from (default input to the policy engine), overrides defaults in /etc/apt/preferences. Examples: -t '2.1*', -t unstable or -t sid. APT::Default-Release
--trivial-only APT::Get::Trivial-Only
--mark-auto After successful installation, mark all freshly installed packages as automatically installed. Same as running apt-mark auto for all installed packages. APT::Get::Mark-Auto
--no-remove Abort (without prompting) if any packages are to be removed APT::Get::Remove
--auto-remove --autoremove APT::Get::AutomaticRemove
--only-source Used for source and build-dep` commands: indicates that the given source names are not to be mapped through the binary table. APT::Get::Only-Source
--diff-only, --dsc-only, --tar-only Download only the diff, dsc or tar file of a source archive. APT::Get::Diff-Only, APT::Get::Dsc-Only and APT::Get::Tar-Only`
--arch-only Only process architecture-dependent build-dependencies. APT::Get::Arch-Only
--indep-only Only process architecture-independent build-dependencies. APT::Get::Indep-Only
--allow-unauthenticated APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated
--no-allow-insecure-repositories Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories
--allow-releaseinfo-change Acquire::AllowReleaseInfoChange
--show-progress Dpkg::Progress and Dpkg::Progress-Fancy
--with-source filename Adds the given file as a source for metadata.
-eany --error-on=any Fail the update command if any error occurred, even a transient one.
-h --help Show a short usage summary.
-v --version Show the program version.
-c --config-file Read the default configuration file and then given configuration file.
-o --option Set a Configuration Option; This will set an arbitrary configuration option: -o Foo::Bar=bar

Simpulation options that perform no actions

-s, --simulate, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon, --no-act
Simulated runs print out a series of lines, each representing a dpkg operation:
  • configure (Conf),
  • remove (Remv) or
  • unpack (Inst).
Square brackets indicate broken packages; empty square brackets indicate breaks that are of no consequence.


merge with this note.

See also

apt-get is a «backend» utility for which some «frontend» utilities exist:
A comment in apt-move refers to /usr/lib/apt-move/fetch as the crappy replacement for apt-get.
