Search notes:


Most commands of apt-cache query the APT package cache. As far as I believe, the only command which modifies the the cache is apt-cache gencaches.
apt-cache [-agipns] [-o=config_string] [-c=config_file] {gencaches | showpkg pkg...  | showsrc pkg...  | stats | dump | dumpavail | unmet | search regex...  | show pkg [{=pkg_version_number | /target_release}]...  | depends pkg [{=pkg_version_number | /target_release}]...  |
                 rdepends pkg [{=pkg_version_number | /target_release}]...  | pkgnames [prefix]  | dotty pkg [{=pkg_version_number | /target_release}]...  | xvcg pkg [{=pkg_version_number | /target_release}]...  | policy [pkg...]  | madison pkg...  | {-v | --version} | {-h | --help}}


gencaches creates APT's package cache. (This operation is executed implicitly by all commands that need this cache if it is missing or outdated.
showpkg pkg… displays package information (forward and reverse dependencies). Remaining arguments are package names. The available versions and reverse dependencies of each package listed are listed, as well as forward dependencies for each version.
stats Cache statistics (number of packages in the cache etc).
showsrc pkg… All the source package records. Using --only-source displays only source package names. (TODO: Error message You must put some 'deb-src' URIs in your sources.list)
dump Short listing of every package in the cache.
dumpavail Prints out an available list to stdout. (Suitable for use with dpkg, also used by the dselect method.)
unmet Summary of all unmet dependencies in the package cache.
show pkg… Displays package records. Similar to dpkg --print-avail.
search regex… Use POSIX regular expression for searching in package names and descriptions.
depends pkg… Report dependencies a package has and all the possible other packages that can fulfill that dependency.
rdepends pkg… Show reverse dependencies
pkgnames [prefix] All package names that APT knows. The optional prefix filters the result. The output is suitable for use in a shell tab complete function. Consider using the --generate options.
dotty pkg… Generate source for a dotty graph (Graphviz) displaying the relationships between packages. (See also the APT::Cache::GivenOnly option).
xvcg pkg… The same as dotty but for xvcg from the VCG tool.
policy [pkg…] Debug issues relating to the preferences file. Interesting because it shows some interesting the package's local and remote (install candidate) version numbers.
madison pkg… Mimic the output format and a subset of the functionality of madison (the Debian archive management tool).


Configuration item
-p --pkg-cache Select the file to store the package cache. Dir::Cache::pkgcache
-s --src-cache Select the file to store the source cache (only used by gencaches). When building the package cache the source cache is used to avoid reparsing all of the package files. Dir::Cache::srcpkgcache
-q --quiet -q -q is even more quiet. quiet
-i --important Used for unmet and depends: print only important dependencies only. APT::Cache::Important
--implicit used for depends and rdepends to alsoshow implicit dependencies. APT::Cache::ShowImplicit
-f --full Print full package records when searching. APT::Cache::ShowFull
-a --no-all-versions Used for show: Only print candiate version, not full records for all available versions. APT::Cache::AllVersions
-g --no-generate Don't perform automatic package cache regeneration, rather than use the cache as it is. APT::Cache::Generate
-n --names-only Search package names only, not in long description APT::Cache::NamesOnly
--all-names Used for pkgnames to print all names (including virtual packages and missing dependencies) APT::Cache::AllNames
--recurse Used for depends and rdepends to behave recursively: all packages mentioned are printed once. APT::Cache::RecurseDepends
--installed Used for depends and rdepends to limit the output to currently installed packages. APT::Cache::Installed
--with-source filename Adds the given file(s) (*.deb, *.dsc and *.changes) as a source for metadata. APT::Sources::With
-h --help
-v --version
-c --config-file Specify a configuration file to use after reading the default configuration file.
-o --option Set a configuration option (-o Foo::Bar=bar).
There is also a --all-versions and --generate (which are the default if not indicated.

Tweaking options for depends and rdepends

Per default, apt-cache depends and apt-cache rdepends print all dependencies.
Using the following flags will omit the specified dependency types
  • --no-pre-depends
  • --no-depends
  • --no-recommends
  • --no-suggests
  • --no-conflicts
  • --no-breaks
  • --no-replaces
  • --no-enhances
The corresponding configuration items are APT::Cache::ShowDependencyType (e.g. APT::Cache::ShowRecommends).

See also

The source code for apt-cache.
