Search notes:



Start, stop and restart service named svcxyz:
$ /etc/init.d/svcxyz start
$ /etc/init.d/svcxyz stop
$ /etc/init.d/svcxyz restart
Is this the same as … ?
$ rc-service svcxyz start

Init scripts

Init scripts are somewhat similar to sysvinit scripts used in sysvinit. However, some several simplify their creation.
The initscript for the service named svcxyz is /etc/init.d/svcxyz.
Init scripts are apparently interpreted by openrc-run.

Configuration file

The configuration file for the init script /etc/init.d/svcxyz is /etc/conf.d/svcxyz.


$ rc-status
The files under {/mnt/livecd,}/lib/rc/sh/

See also

/etc/rc.conf stores the *global OpenRC configruation settings.
/var/log/rc.log is the default log file.
The runlevels under /etc/runlevels have symlinks to the actual init scripts.
/lib/rc/sh/ (in a live cd located under /mnt/livecd/…) is a shell warapper for openrc-run.
