Search notes:

Installing Debian

Some notes on installing debian on a x64_86 notebook (taken March 2024)

Prepare installation media

Find amd-64-netinst.iso link on and download file to USB stick (make sure that /dev/sda is referring to the USB stick:
$ sudo curl -L -o /dev/sda
$ sync

Boot from installation media

Boot from the USB stick on destination notebook (or PC, for that matter).
I chose «Install» from this menu:
Other decisions I made:
The installer said that there was no locale defined for the selected combination of language and country and proposed «United States - en_US.UTF-8» which I accepted.
Keymap: American English.
In installed BTFRS without swapfile (I couldn't decide if with or without swapfile was the better decision, this askubuntu answer and this BTRFS readthedocs page made me ultimatly forgo using the swapfile.
Apparently, if needed, I can create a swapfile with something like
$ sudo btrfs filesystem mkswapfile --size 8G /swapfile
$ sudo swapon                                /swapfile
$ cat /proc/swaps


Console 4 (alt+F4) shows installation output.

Software selection

Xfce and standard system utilities.
