Search notes:

Using vim/gvim with SAS

It's possible to use Vim to write statements for execution in SAS.
An empty file needs to be created. This files will be tail'ed to the sas executable.
The > $filename construct empties an existing file or creates a new one.
$ > /share/home/tq84/sas/sas.redir
The sas executable is stared. It takes the input from the sas.redir file:
$ tail -f /share/home/tq84/sas/sas.redir | /usr/app/sas/config/Lev1/SASApp_01/ -nodms -noterminal
The log file is tail'ed into the perl script[` to highlight it.
$ tail -f -n 100 /share/home/tq84/sas/sas.log |
Finally, vim or gvim is started:
$ vim /share/home/tq84/sas/
From vim, the statements to be executed in sas by appending the statements to the sas.redir file. The statements to be executed need to be visually selected.
:'<,'> w >> /share/home/tq84/sas/sas.redir
