Search notes:

SAS statements: rsubmit

rsubmit is a SAS/ACCESS statement.
rsubmit starts a series of statements that will be submitted to a server session for execution.
SAS/CONNECT will parse the statements until it encounters the semicolon after the corresponding endrsubmit statement.

Passing parameters to and from the server session

Parameters can be passed via macro variables using %syslput and %sysrput.
%let server   =;
%let port     = 5105;
%let logonid  = &sysuserid;
%let password = {SAS002}5D71C73D177DE3AB1488316D52BDEBDE1ADDF998; /* Use proc pwencode to determine password */;

%let tq84_srv=&server. &port.;

options comamid = tcp; /* Connect to server via TCP/IP */
options netencrypt
        netencryptalgorithm = SASProprietary;

  noscript                 /* Don't use a SAS/CONNECT script to sign/in */
  user     =  &logonid
  password = "&password"

/* Use %SYSLPUT to create macro variables in the server session.
   This can be used to pass values (parameters) from the client
   to the server.

   %syslput has a /REMOTE option. Therefore, values
   with a forward slash should be quoted with %BQUOTE(). */
%syslput param_1 = The client runs on &syshostname;
%syslput param_2 = %bquote(bar/baz);

   %put param_1 = &param_1;
   %put param_2 = &param_2;

/* Use %SYSRPUT to create macro variables in the client session.
   This can be used to pass values (return codes etc.) from the
   server session to the client: */
   %sysrput return_val_1 = The server runs on &syshostname;
   %sysrput return_val_2 = two;


%put return_val_1 = &return_val_1;
%put return_val_2 = &return_val_2;
Github repository about-SAS, path: /programming/statements/rsubmit/

See also

SAS statements
