Search notes:

SAS: proc report

proc report combines proc freq, proc means, proc print, proc sort, proc tabulate and can do things for which normally proc template is used.

Simple proc report example

data tq84_report;
  length txt $3 val 4.;
  input  txt    val   ;
foo 42
bar .
foo 18
baz 332
bar 7
foo 219
foo .
bar 153
bar 22

proc report data=tq84_report;
     where val > 20;

  /* The column statement identifies all variables
     that are used in the report: */
     column txt val val_sq;

     define txt / display;
     define val / display;
     compute val_sq;
       val_sq = val ** 2;
Github repository about-SAS, path: /programming/proc/report/

define order

The define order statement defines which column the report is ordered on:
data tq84_report;
  length txt $3 val 4.;
  input  txt    val   ;
foo 42
bar 61
foo 18
baz 332
bar .
foo 219
foo .
bar 153
bar 22

proc report data=tq84_report;
     column txt val;

     define txt / order;    /* Order by txt */
     define val / display;
Github repository about-SAS, path: /programming/proc/report/define/

define group

The define / group statement by itself is not very useful. It's usually combined with an define / analysis statement:
data tq84_report;
  length txt1 $3
         txt2 $3
         txt3 $2
         val   4.;
  input  txt1 txt2 txt3 val;
abc jkl uv  13
ghi mno uv 288
ghi pqr wx   7
abc mno yz  15
def pqr uv   3
abc jkl uv   .
ghi jkl wx  96
ghi mno yz  75
abc pqr yz 111
abc jkl uv  86
def pqr uv  39
ghi jkl yz  22
abc pqr wx   .
ghi mno uv  41
def pqr yz  52

proc report data=tq84_report;
     column txt1 txt2 txt3 val;

     define txt1 / group;
     define txt2 / group;
     define txt3 / group;
     define val  / analysis sum;
Github repository about-SAS, path: /programming/proc/report/define/

define analysis

With define / analysis, it's possible to create sums, averages, totals etc:
data tq84_report;
  length txt1 $3
         txt2 $3
         txt3 $2
         val   4.;
  input  txt1 txt2 txt3 val;
abc jkl uv  13
ghi mno uv 288
ghi pqr wx   7
def jkl uv   3
abc jkl uv   .
ghi jkl wx  96
ghi mno uv  75
abc pqr wx 111
abc jkl uv  86
def pqr yz  39
abc jkl uv  15
ghi jkl wx  22
abc pqr wx   .
ghi mno uv  41
def pqr yz  52

proc report data=tq84_report;
     column txt1 txt2 txt3
         /* val is used for multiple statistics per
            group. Therefore, we create an alias
            for each statistics: */
            val = val_sum
            val = val_avg
            val = val_min
            val = val_max 
            val = val_cnt;

     define txt1    / group;
     define txt2    / group;
     define txt3    / group;
     define val_sum / analysis sum             'Total';
     define val_avg / analysis mean format=3.1 'Avg.' ;
     define val_min / analysis min             'Min.' ;
     define val_max / analysis max             'Max.' ;
     define val_cnt / analysis n               'Count';
Github repository about-SAS, path: /programming/proc/report/define/

define across

define / across is used to create pivot tables:
data tq84_report;
  length txt1 $3
         txt2 $3
         txt3 $2
         val   4.;
  input  txt1 txt2 txt3 val;
abc jkl uv  13
ghi mno uv 288
ghi pqr wx   7
def jkl uv   3
abc jkl uv   .
ghi jkl wx  96
ghi mno uv  75
abc pqr wx 111
abc jkl uv  86
def pqr yz  39
abc jkl uv  15
ghi jkl wx  22
abc pqr wx   .
ghi mno uv  41
def pqr yz  52

proc report data=tq84_report;

     column txt1 txt2 txt3 val;

     define txt1 / group        'txt one';
     define txt2 / group        'txt two';
     define txt3 / across       'txt three';
     define val  / analysis sum 'Total';
Github repository about-SAS, path: /programming/proc/report/define/


compute can be used to add addtional text before and after groups:
data tq84_report;
  length txt1 $3
         txt2 $3
         txt3 $2
         val   4.;
  input  txt1 txt2 txt3 val;
abc jkl uv  13
ghi mno uv 288
ghi pqr wx   7
def jkl uv   3
abc jkl uv   .
ghi jkl wx  96
ghi mno uv  75
abc pqr wx 111
abc jkl uv  86
def pqr yz  39
abc jkl uv  15
ghi jkl wx  22
abc pqr wx   .
ghi mno uv  41
def pqr yz  52

proc report data=tq84_report;

     column txt1 txt2 txt3 val;

     define txt1 / group        'txt one';
     define txt2 / group        'txt two';
     define txt3 / across       'twt three';
     define val  / analysis sum 'Total';

     compute before txt1;
       line  @1 "Values for " txt1 $20.;

     compute after txt1;
       length group_txt $20;

       if txt1 = 'abc' then group_txt = 'Computed text foo'; else
       if txt1 = 'def' then group_txt = 'Computed text bar'; else
       if txt1 = 'ghi' then group_txt = 'Computed text baz'; else
                            group_txt = '???';

       line @1 group_txt $20.;
Github repository about-SAS, path: /programming/proc/report/compute/

Using the list option

The list options directs proc report to print what it actually executes. This is useful because proc report uses defaults for statements that are not explicitly stated:
data tq84_dat;

 length txt_one $10
        txt_two $10
        num_one   8.
        num_two   8.;

  input txt_one

foo abc  2 40 

proc report

COLUMN  txt_one txt_two num_one num_two;
DEFINE  txt_one / DISPLAY FORMAT= $10. WIDTH=10    SPACING=2   LEFT "txt_one" ;
DEFINE  txt_two / DISPLAY FORMAT= $10. WIDTH=10    SPACING=2   LEFT "txt_two" ;
DEFINE  num_one / SUM FORMAT= BEST9. WIDTH=9     SPACING=2   RIGHT "num_one" ;
DEFINE  num_two / SUM FORMAT= BEST9. WIDTH=9     SPACING=2   RIGHT "num_two" ;
Github repository about-SAS, path: /programming/proc/report/options/

See also

column statement, define statement
Traffic light report with proc report
Using the compute block to create a running total.
SAS programming: proc
SAS: proc report - todo
