Search notes:

SAS programming: call routine symput

symput creates a macro variable in a data step.
   symput assigns a value to a macro variable.

   Note: the assigned value cannot be used in the same data step, because
   the macroprosses must be invoked again to resolve it.

%let tq84_macro_var = hello world;

data _null_;
  call symput("tq84_macro_var", """good bye""");
  put &tq84_macro_var;
  /* Prints: hello world */

data _null_;
  put &tq84_macro_var;
  /* Prints: good bye */
Github repository about-SAS, path: /programming/call-routines/

See also

SAS: Interaction between macros and data steps with execute, symget and symput
SAS programming: call routines
