Search notes:

SAS programming: call routine execute

Time of execution

If the passed string is a macro invocation, the macro is executed immediately.
Other text, either passed directly or generated by a macro invocation is pushed onto the input stack. Thus, the execution of such text is delayed until the current data step is finished.

Execute an SQL statement for each observation in a data set

The following example executes an sql statement for each observation in a data set.
%let dir_A = "/share/&context_unxname/work/tq84/lib_A";
%let dir_B = "/share/&context_unxname/work/tq84/lib_B";

/* These are the directories in which some
   data sets will be created: */
%let dir_A = "/path/to/dir/A";
%let dir_B = "/path/to/dir/B";

/* Create two data sets in each directory: */
libname tq84_lib &dir_A;

        data tq84_lib.a_one; x = 'a one'; run;
        data tq84_lib.a_two; x = 'a two'; run;

libname tq84_lib &dir_B;

        data tq84_lib.b_one; x = 'b one'; run;
        data tq84_lib.b_two; x = 'b two'; run;

libname tq84_lib clear;

/* Create our tables for processing: */
proc sql; /* Create table for members */

   /* tq84_paths will just contain the paths of the libraries: */
   create table work.tq84_paths (
     path    char(255) not null,
     constraint tq84_paths_pk primary key(path)

   /* tq84_members will be filled for each path/library in its
      parent table: */
   create table work.tq84_members(
     path    char(255) not null,
     member  char( 30) not null,
     constraint tq84_members_fk foreign key (path) references tq84_paths


/* Manually fill our tq84_paths table: */
proc sql;
  insert into work.tq84_paths values (&dir_A);
  insert into work.tq84_paths values (&dir_B);

/* This macro will fill tq84_members with the
   members of the library whose path is passed
   in the macro argument: */
%macro tq84_fill_members(path);
  libname lib_nam "&path";
  proc sql;
    insert into work.tq84_members(path, member)
      "&path", memname
      libname = 'LIB_NAM';
  libname lib_name clear;

/* Use execute to call the macro for each
   observation */
data _null_;
  set  work.tq84_paths;
  call execute(cat('%tq84_fill_members(', path, ')'));

/* Check what was filled: */
proc sql;
  select * from work.tq84_members;
Github repository about-SAS, path: /programming/call-routines/execute/

See also

SAS programming: call routines
