Search notes:

SAS catalog

A catalog is a type of an SAS file and resides in a library.
Apparently, catologs are the only type of library members that cannot be password protected.

Types of catalogs


The information stored is stored in units that are named entries.
Each entry has an associated type (such as source, format or catams).

Full qualification of an entry

A catalog entry is fully quallified with four parts: libref.catalog.entry-name.entry-type


/*    Create a libref for the library in which the catalog will be stored: */
libname  tq84_lib '/home/tq84/lib';

/*   Add a source entry to the the tq84Catalog: */
filename src_cat catalog 'tq84_lib.tq84Catalog.tq84Prog.source';
data _null_;
  file src_cat;
  put  'filename tq84Data  catalog "tq84_lib.tq84Catalog.tq84Data";';
  put  'data _null_;';
  put  '  infile tq84Data;';
  put  '  input;';
  put  '  put _infile_;';
  put  'run;';
  put  'filename tq84Data clear;';
filename src_cat clear;

/*   Add a format to the tq84Catalog: */
proc format
     value tq84Size
           1 = 'small'
           2 = 'medium'
           3 = 'large';

/*   proc format ... select can be used to get the
     details of the format from the catalog: */
proc format
     select tq84Size;
 /*  In order to find the format, the fmt option might be used:
      option fmtsearch (tq84_lib.tq84Catalog); */
/*   Add data to the catalog: */
filename dat_cat catalog 'tq84_lib.tq84Catalog.tq84Data.catams';
data _null_;
   file   dat_cat;
   format num   8.
          txt $10.;
   /* */
   num = 1; txt = 'one'  ; put num txt;
   num = 2; txt = 'two'  ; put num txt;
   num = 3; txt = 'three'; put num txt;
   num = 4; txt = 'four' ; put num txt;
   num = 5; txt = 'five' ; put num txt;
filename dat_cat clear;

/*   Show the contents of the catalog */
proc catalog
/*                     Contents of Catalog TQ84_LIB.TQ84CATALOG

 #    Name        Type              Create Date          Modified Date    Description
 1    TQ84DATA    CATAMS    12/06/2017 15:05:00    12/06/2017 15:05:00
 3    TQ84SIZE    FORMAT    12/06/2017 15:20:18    12/06/2017 15:20:18
 4    TQ84PROG    SOURCE    12/06/2017 14:54:52    12/06/2017 14:54:52

/* Execute the program stored in the catalog: */
filename tq84_cat catalog 'tq84_lib.tq84Catalog';
%include tq84_cat (tq84Prog)/source2;
filename tq84_cat clear;

/* Clear the libref: */
libname  tq84_lib clear;
Github repository about-SAS, path: /programming/catalog/

See also

proc catalog
cexists checks wheather a catalog or a catalog entry exits.
SAS: profile catalog
